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earthman  noun     תושב או יליד כדור הארץ (במדע בדיוני)

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Milon.co.il Dictionary 


(ש"ע) בן כדור הארץ

Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia
Earthmen are inhabitants of the Narnian realm of Underland who originate from Bism. According to a description in The Silver Chair they are gnomes who range in height from one to seven feet tall and have a variety of facial types. Under the spell of the Queen of Underland, the Lady of the Green Kirtle, they have been compelled to dig a tunnel to within a few feet of the surface though which the Queen intends to conquer the Overworld. They call the Underland the Shallow Lands because their homeland in Bism is much deeper inside the earth. Earthmen are very solemn until the Queen is killed and the enchantment is lifted. At that point they revert to their natural happy selves and celebrate joyously. One of the most notable Earthmen is Golg, who Puddleglum captured after the demise of the Queen of Underland.

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