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doitinHebrew Phonetic Hebrew Keyboard Tips |
Just Start Typing |
Think aleph sounds like "a"? Try it.
Gimel sounds like "g"? You guessed it again. |
- a = א (aleph)
- b = ב (bet)
- c = כ (chaf/kaf)
- d = ד (dalet)
- you guess the rest!
Type the wrong letter? |
CAPITALIZE IT. It will be the letter you wanted.
For example: |
- You typed "a" wanting the letter "ע" (ayin)
- But "א" (aleph) came out instead! :-(
- CAPITAL "A" = "ע" (ayin) ... happy again
Sample words |
- SloM = שלום ("hello, goodbye, peace")
- ani = אני ("I")
- mdbr = מדבר ("speak")
- Abrit = עברית ("Hebrew")
Translation: English to Hebrew
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Morfix.co.il Dictionary view
run noun |
(riytzah) רִיצָה ; (t'vach) טְוָח ; (retzef) רֶצֶף ; (rakevet) רַכֶּבֶת (בגרביונים) |
run verb |
(ratz) רָץ ; (hit'nahel) הִתְנַהֵל , (ne'erakh') נֶעֱרַךְ ; (nihel) נִהֵל , (hif'iyl) הִפְעִיל ; (heriytz) הֵרִיץ |
run | ran | עבר | run
runs | הווה |
is running | הווה ממושך |
has run | הווה מושלם |
will run | עתיד |
doitinHebrew.com Phonetic Translation |
LingvoZone Dictionary
(riytzah) רִיצָה ,
(merotz) מֵרוֹץ ,
(mahalakh) מַהֲלָך ,
(meshekh) מֶשֶׁך ,
(masa) מַסָע ,
(maslul) מַסלוּל ,
(yaaf) יַעַף (2)
(larutz) לָרוּץ ,
(l'hariytz) לְהַרִיץ ,
(livroach) לִברוֹחַ ,
(l'nahel) לְנַהֵל ,
(lihyot) לִהיוֹת (muamad) מוּעֲמָד
wer54w66sf32re2 |
doitinHebrew.com Phonetic Translation |
Milon.co.il Dictionary
לרוץ; לברוח; להריץ, לבצע תכנית (במחשבים); לחלוף; להפעיל; לנהל; להיעשות; לערוך, לקיים; להימשך; לדלוף; להתפשט; להתמודד
ריצה; מרחק, טווח; נסיעה; מסלול; רצף, סדרה; "רכבת" (בגרב); הסתערות, התנפלות
| Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia | |
RUN was an American computer magazine published monthly by IDGE Communications with its first issue debuting in January 1984. Bi-monthly publishing began in April 1990, and went on until the magazine folded in November/December 1992. In its heyday, RUN's monthly circulation was in the 200,000–300,000 range. Folio, the trade journal of the magazine industry, rated it as the second fastest-growing U.S. magazine of 1985.
Run or runs may refer to: Computers - Execution (computers), meaning to begin operation of a computer program
- Run command, a command used to execute a program in Microsoft Windows
- RUN, a computer magazine of the 1980s
- A sequence of something repeated, in computer coding
Run! is the fifteenth episode of the first season of the NBC science fiction drama series Heroes. Regular cast members Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli) and Santiago Cabrera (Isaac Mendez) do not appear in this episode.
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| Wikipedia ויקיפדיה העברית-האנציקלופדיה החופשית | |
לינוקס (באנגלית: Linux) היא משפחה של מערכות הפעלה המבוססות על ליבת לינוקס. מערכת לינוקס שכוללת רכיבים וספריות מפרויקט גנו נקראת לפעמים גנו/לינוקס (GNU/Linux).
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